Hiding a time capsule in your renovation

Everyone wishes they could find a significant piece of history when renovating their home. So give that experience to someone else!

Deciding what to put in your time capsule

Deciding what to put in your time capsule
"Have a think about what you would like to find from 50+ years ago"

As well as leaving a letter and a view of today’s current affairs, have a think about the kind of items you’d want to find. Perhaps something which isn’t worth a lot now, but in mint condition would be valuable to find in the future such as a collectable stamp or coins. Don’t forget to make sure your time capsule is airtight. The smallest damp can make your time capsule illegible. Silca gel can be a good way of maintaining this.

Tell them about you
Tell them about you
"There's something so satisfying about knowing the people who once lived in your home"

With any time capsule should be a letter which tells the finder who you are. They’re going to have a lot of questions, ‘Who put this here?’ ‘Why did they hide it?’ ‘What was their situation?’. Telling someone about you will paint the picture of your background and give them more to research if they’d like to. We’ve created a free 2019 & 2020 ‘Year In Review’ printable at the bottom of this page 

Choosing a container
Choosing a container
"It needs to stand the test of time"

Your time capsule will have to stand the test of time- literally. It needs to be weatherproof, dust proof and ideally water tight. You can but some very solid purpose built ones like this time capsule on Amazon. But an old jam jar or other sealable container will work just as well. Glass is a very durable receptacle. Alternatively, if you’re only putting small items in, an A4 watertight wallet may be sufficient for you.

Hiding your capsule
Hiding your capsule
"Think about when you'd like your capsule to be found"

Have a think about how long you’d like it to be before someone finds your time capsule. Here are some ideas as a guide:

  • Under carpet
  • Behind kitchen cabinets
  • Under a bath/ shower tray (make sure it’s water proof!)
  • Within an unused chimney breast
  • Between a stud wall
  • Under floor boards
  • Between steps under a staircase
  • Within a building brick
  • Buried under a house
  • Placed under a tree being planted (watch out for growing roots)
  • In an unused pipe
  • Between wall cavities

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